Monday, July 9, 2012

Casting On

The First Stitch

My nieces dressed me us in their jewelry.
Hi! This is the first stitch, the casting on of this blog. I'm Beka and this is the crazy world I choose to inhabit.
I will talk about a multitude of things such as knitting, food, science fiction, travel, video games, tabletop roleplaying games, trying to live frugally but well, and really anything else that captures my attention. Most of the time I will try to stay away from more controversial topics. I have my opinions/beliefs, you have yours, and we need to get along despite any differences between them. Weird foods will be simultaneously be posted in "You Ate What...?" Typically online I am very organized, so a blog where I talk about everything is going to be a stretching exercise.

My obsessions: Dragon Age, elves, knitting, Doctor Who, coffee, fanfiction, Japanese, food, shojo anime, and other weird things.
These will be much of the basis of my posts, that and whatever comes into my head.
John and me